Wednesday, July 24, 2013

9.1 Chickenwar

I'm not quite sure if he still owns the same black and bulky Canon SLR (the model, I don't remember) but when we were still best of friends, he used to take photos all the time (and he was pretty good at it). He'd take photographs of anything. But he loved taking photographs of people -- be it posed or candid. Everyone would ask him to take their photos. I remember he took some of me and some of us. He took photos while on his trips. He took photos in concerts and in gigs. We planned to go to college together, take the same course, and be thesismates. We planned to go on trips and gigs and start a business. We promised never to get sucked in by the system and to never give up art and our beliefs for the sake of money. Shame I never kept my promise. He has achieved everything we ever planned on doing together, but he has achieved it all on his own.

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